Dekanters and separators
Utilization of oil sludges
Utilization of drilling sludges
Reservoir cleaning
Neutralization and regeneration of industrial oils
Treatment facilities
Pumping over oil products
Additional equipment


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Our sertificates

Management Quality Certificate ISO 9001:2008

Management Quality Certificate ISO 9001:2008

The certificate of conformity and
GosEkolEkspertiza on UOG-15

Certificate of conformity on UOG-15 GosEkolEkspertiza on UOG-15

Units for cleansing and clarification
of mineral oils OMM and flushing
diesel fuel regeneration units ODT

Units for cleansing and clarification of mineral oils OMM and flushing diesel fuel regeneration units ODT

Fire safety resolution
for GDS and MFZS

Fire safety resolution for GDS and MFZS Fire safety resolution for GDS and MFZS

Sertificate and permission for GDS units
with and without filtration

Sertificate for GDS units with and without filtrationPermission for GDS units with and without filtration

Fire safety resolution for
small units for burning
of slop-oil Factor

exemption letter inspection on TDU Factor

GOST Sertificate and permission
for small units for burning
of slop-oil Factor

GOST Sertificate for small units for burning of slop-oil FactorPermission for small units for burning of slop-oil Factor

Modules centrifugation drilling
solution and sludge
Series MC

Modules centrifugation drilling solution and sludge Series MCModules centrifugation drilling solution and sludge Series MC

The Environmental Impact Assessment
for the installation TDU Factor-500

The Environmental Impact Assessment for the installation TDU Factor-500

Skimmers series NP and NPP

Skimmers series NP and NPP Skimmers series NP and NPP

Resolution on the use of plants UOP-15, BRNSH-10 and GDS-10 in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Resolution on the use of plants UOP-15, BRNSH-10 and GDS-10 in the Republic of Kazakhstan